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Video Conversation

a Different take on Leadership

Many leaders have a strong sense of calling and a high sense of responsibility and they tend to do everything themselves.

They either feel so responsible that I don’t know how to trust anyone else with my calling if I give anything away OR very controlling and can’t imagine anyone else doing it as well as I can.

Jesus Leadership takes us from shifting from getting members to: this is about everyday people becoming like Jesus. Leadership is also about what God does through us.



How do we actually get to shared leadership?

Bryan joined the “Youth Down South Podcast” to discuss leadership concepts found in “Leading Together.”

We are having to find new ways to lead because the world is changing, but the Bible is still the same. God is still the same. In Acts, they had no guidebook. They figured it out together. What does it actually look like to discern together?

Bryan describes some of his initial experiences working on staff at a church and how his observations shaped the questions that years later led him to write Leading Together: how do we work together, adaptive, and improvisational?



“Cycle of Love”

Bryan discusses the “Cycle of Love” concept from Leading Together in an interview with Asbury Seminary.

“What if God shows up in the mundane? What if every time I show up at Church I expect God to change lives, show up, and be transformative? What if every morning when I wake up I have anticipation that God is here, God is with me, and He is inviting me into something deeper.”



Adaptive Leadership and Organic Systems for Innovative and Resilient Organizations

Shared leadership embodies Kenosis. It emanates scenius. And it embraces synthesis.



“Letting Go of the Solo-Heroic Leader in You, with Bryan Sims, author of Leading Together”

In this episode, Bryan Sims discusses the importance of shared leadership. As we lead through these challenging times, leaders need to be able to bring people together—to draw on all our gifts and talents and knowledge. We are called to lead healthy teams of people in order to fully participate in God’s mission in the world. We cannot do it alone.



2022 SLI Conference: Love, Follow, and Lead Together

(talk begins 15:33)



“Abiding and Obeying, Covenantal Relationships, and Adaptive Leadership”

In this episode we have a conversation with Bryan Sims around getting buy in from everyone around values and mission, adaptive leadership, and abiding with Christ.




“What We’re Missing when we Lead Alone”

“On today's episode, consultant, coach, professor and author Bryan Sims shares the REAL challenges with leading alone vs leading together and even gives Alan Briggs consulting feedback on the team challenges Stay Forth is facing. This is a longer episode, but a very practical one.”

April 19, 2022




“The Holy Possibility of Harmony and Synergy in the Face of Change”

What does unity really look like it? It is love and purpose. That is where we get harmony and synergy.
Interview/conversation with Dr. Brian Russell | 3/11/22




“Adaptive Spiritual Leadership for Today”

“If we get above the chaos, we can see where we are, but we can also see our destination.” Bryan Sims shares more about who he is and how he got here (at SLI), what SLI is and how he works with pastors around the country.




“Leading as a means of Grace.”

Bryan D. Sims joins Asbury Theological Seminary to teach: “What does leading others look like as a means of grace?”

If you are called into leadership, what doe sit look like for us to live a life worthy of the calling we have received. Bryan often encounters leaders who fall into two categories:

  1. Because God is the one that changes lives, then what part do we play?

  2. there are a lot of Christian leaders that hey have more power than they actually do. They assume their leadership is going to make a difference in the world.

So, what is God's part, and what is our part? And how do we lead in grace? And what do those postures and practices look like?




“Leadership Identity”

Our identity in Christ impacts our vocation.

Jesus had not begun his ministry, yet His Father was “well pleased.” He was pleased because simply Jesus was His son. Jesus’ identity was secure in his Fathers’ love. His calling is clear and he moves forth in purpose and love. What does that look like for us?

Interviews with Other Coaches



“Interview on Coaching with Michael Gulker, President of the Colossian Forum”

Coaching Pastors through a challenging political climate within the church.

Bryan Interviews Michael on his current role of coaching pastors on “how to harness the energy of the current political climate within the walls of the church to deepen discipleship and fellowship rather than division.”



Interview with William T. Chaney Jr.

William Chaney is a Pastor coach and consultant who regularly works with pastors at church restarts, church plants, and new pastors.

William and Bryan dig into the process of coaching and consulting pastors through his unique approach.




Interview with Tom McGehee

Tom McGehee is a church consultant that works with various denominations or individual churches. He is excited about helping churches accomplish more than they thought they would.

Additional Links:



Interview with Christin Nevins

Christin is a Coach with Spiritual Leadership Inc (SLI) and her background is in strategic development. Christin shares her top 6 values for coaching and consulting with others.

  1. Generosity: start with the default with helping people.

  2. Curiosity: ask more and more questions.

  3. Flexibility: It almost never goes how you anticipate.

  4. Boundaries: realize if you are saying yes out of scarcity or where your passions/experience/gifts begin and end.

  5. Authenticity: don’t try to be impressive, just be you.

  6. Simplicity: don’t overcomplicate.

Additional Links: www.spiritual-leadership.org


Additional resources & Guides

  • Free Guide: Facilitating Spiritual Growth

    Free Guide: Facilitating Spiritual Growth

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

  • Guide: Building Healthy Teams

    Free guide: Building healthy teams

    Building a healthy team is a critical practice for creating environments that foster transformation. There is a clear assumption throughout this book that a team is necessary to overcome adaptive challenges and more effectively and fruitfully fulfill the purpose to which God has called us.