Free Resources and Guides from Bryan D. Sims, Ph.D.
Facilitating Spiritual Growth
The concept of "spiritual formation” acknowledges that only the Holy Spirit transforms us and that God often transforms us amid trusting relationships with others.
How do we translate this for our teams and create accountability that leads to transformation?
Building Healthy Teams
Building a healthy team is a critical practice for creating environments that foster transformation. There is a clear assumption throughout this book that a team is necessary to overcome adaptive challenges and more effectively and fruitfully fulfill the purpose to which God has called us.
So…how do we build healthy teams?
Creating a Strong Team Covenant
Rather than having a team leader dictate covenantal commitments and expectations to a team, there is great power in giving team members a role (and thus ownership) in this process.
Download this guide to learn the 4 questions to help create a strong team covenant + view a sample covenant.
Download all 3 Guides
Are you looking for access to all 3 guides: Facilitating Spiritual Growth, Building Healthy Teams, and Creating a Strong Team Covenant? Click below.